1. Dispatching & Jobs
  2. Accepting & Assigning Job Offers

Accepting/rejecting a job offer in Swoop web version

Job offers will appear in your "Pending" table within the Job Dashboard.

To accept, click the green ACCEPT button. To reject, click the "Reject" button and select a rejection reason from the drop down.

Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4.22.10 PM

Once an offer is accepted, you will be prompted to submit your ETA. Selecting a driver at this time is an option, but not necessary.

Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4.22.43 PM

If your ETA is accepted, the job will appear as Status: Accepted in your Pending Job table. If you reject the job or your ETA is not accepted, the job will disappear from your dashboard. Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4.24.13 PM