In the event that a vehicle ends up in your own storage yard/facility, follow the below guidelines:
- If you are able to complete tow out of storage:
- Invoice the initial tow to your storage on the first job ID
- Invoice the tow out of storage on second job ID, including storage costs at your contracted rates
- This storage payment is not considered an Advance Charge and will not be paid via VCC
- If you are unable to complete tow out of storage:
- Invoice the initial tow to storage on one job ID, including the cost of storage at your contracted rates.
- This storage payment is not considered an Advance Charge and will not be paid via VCC
- The second provider (may be contracted by Agero or another party) will invoice the tow out separately.
- No additional paperwork is required from you.
- Do not charge this provider for storage fees.
- Invoice the initial tow to storage on one job ID, including the cost of storage at your contracted rates.