Closed status reasons and what they mean

Invoices which are Not Billable are marked as Closed and will be listed in the Done tab. The Closed status reasons provide additional detail on why they have this status.

You can see the Closed Reason by hovering over the ℹ️ next to the Closed status in your Done invoice tab. Here are the reasons and their definitions:

  • Provider Canceled: If your team cancels the job directly. Regardless of when a call is cancelled by you, Provider Cancels are not billable. This includes early cancel, delayed cancel and provider delay. 
  • Customer Canceled Within 15 minutes: If the customer canceled within 15 minutes of the job assignment, it will be closed with this reason.
  • Agero Canceled Within 15 minutes: If Agero is forced to cancel the job within 15 minutes of assignment, the job will be closed and marked with this reason.
  • Agero Canceled due to Provider significantly missing ETA: If Agero is forced to cancel the job due to significant delays, the  job will be closed. 
  • Customer Canceled due to Provider significantly missing ETA: If the customer contacts Agero to cancel after the ETA has been exceeded, then the job will be closed.
  • Not Sent within 60 Day submission window: Invoices must be submitted within 60 days of the event. After 60 days, the invoice will be closed.
  • Not Sent within 30 day dispute window from original Rejection: There is a 30 day dispute window if your invoice is rejected. If the dispute is not submitted within 30 days, the invoice will be closed.