How does GPS tracking impact customer satisfaction?

Agero customer feedback shows that nearly 50% of motorists feel ETA accuracy is one of the most important factors impacting overall service quality - and they express frustration whether you arrive unexpectedly early or late. For customers, the root issue is uncertainty.

The use of GPS can eliminate this uncertainty by dramatically improving transparency while increasing consumer satisfaction and providing you with a range of additional operational benefits that can help you do your job more efficiently, effectively and safely:

  • Streamlines operations and decision-making for your dispatchers with transparency into the entire operation in real-time, easy tracking of an entire fleet’s location, equipment availability and job status.
  • Makes job acceptance and status updates easier for your drivers by automatically updating job status, including en route to disablement, on site,  leaving site or arriving at the drop off destination. 
  • Reducing customer anxiety by seeing your truck’s location in real-time and receiving updated ETA notifications, eliminating the back and forth calls between dispatchers, drivers and customers. 

Ninety-five percent of motorists state that availability of location-based tracking improved their overall experience, and motorists that had access to GPS tracking actually gave better reviews even though the operator was late, compared to those events where the driver arrived early but where the motorist had no GPS tracking.