Understanding and improving Completion Rate

With completion rate now included in Agero selection and responsible, in part, for determining your job volume, understanding how completion rate works is more critical than ever.

First, what is completion rate? Completion rate is the percentage of jobs that are successfully completed (given a “Complete” terminal status in Swoop) out of the number of jobs you accept. When combined with your NPS, it is a direct measure of your job quality, so we include the job statuses that have the greatest impact on the customer experience and exclude the cancels that you have no control over. 

Here is the full breakdown of terminal statuses and how they impact completion rate:

Completion Rate Calculation*Based on our planning and testing of the above, we did not find that any one provider was disproportionately impacted by our including Unsuccessful or GOA statuses in the calculation.

You should aim for a completion rate of 85% or higher, per our performance guidelines. Why? Because taking our jobs, completing the jobs you accept and doing them well are critical to our delivery of high quality experiences for our customers and our clients. When you do well on the jobs we offer you, you’re setting yourself up to capture more volume through our selection process.

However, there are a number of common situations providers experience that impact completion rate scores that can easily be avoided.

To set yourself up for success, remember:

  • Do not cancel a job on behalf of the customer. In situations where the customer tells you they would like to cancel shortly after you have been assigned (up to 15 minutes), advise them they should contact Agero dispatch directly. Submitting a cancellation for a customer in these scenarios will negatively impact your score.
  • Be communicative. Be in communication with us and the customer as often as possible to confirm job details or share updates if your ETA will soon expire or is exceeded. Understanding you are on your way but need a reasonable amount of additional time to get to the disablement site is helpful and can possibly avoid a GOA or a reassign.
  • Keep job status up to date. Help Agero and the customer know you are on your way by providing accurate job status updates. This can be made simpler by enabling location based tracking, a feature we expect to see used on at least 90% of your jobs.
  • Stick to your ETAs as best as possible. Customer and Agero cancellations caused by significant delays and missed ETAs count against your completion rate. In the event you need to extend your ETA, ensure that it is accurate and attainable. You risk not only a reassign by our team but also are likely to deliver a poor customer experience by having the customer wait for a significant amount of time.
  • Accept jobs wisely. Early cancels should be avoided at all costs. If you think you may end up running behind on your jobs, either due to weather, traffic, staffing or otherwise, you can prevent damage to your completion rate before it happens by not accepting the job offer. Delayed cancels by you should be infrequent, caused only by unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances.
  • Share as many details as possible. If you need to cancel the job, including all necessary information on why. Having this information can help us adjust our systems if there is an issue or help us help you in updating your business information so it is accurate.
  • Review your performance frequently. Understanding terminal statuses and reviewing job performance details in your Swoop Performance Dashboard can help you identify dispatch or driver patterns that may need to be addressed for service improvement.

Minimizing the need to reassign a job and increasing the number of jobs that are completed in one dispatch are essential in ensuring the best customer experience possible - a goal we all share. To that end, we are continually enhancing the Swoop platform to improve the way we measure and select the best performing providers for our customers' experience while also providing you with the insights and transparency you need to optimize your work with us.