1. Dispatching & Jobs
  2. Statuses & Other Terminology

"Digital dispatching" and "auto-assign"

Auto-Assign is the process we use to offer jobs to providers digitally. You’ll never be auto-assigned a job through email or phone call. These jobs often come in through our digital intake channels (customer’s mobile app, etc.) and are built using the information the customer submitted.

We offer most of our work digitally through Auto-Assign first, so we can ensure jobs get offered to providers quickly to reduce the amount of time a customer waits for help as much as possible. Accepting jobs digitally is therefore in your best interest.

It’s also important to understand this process to be able to best manage job offers and keep up with job offer expirations. You or your dispatchers are responsible for accepting the job offer before it expires (Auto-Assign does NOT mean auto-accept) and expired jobs count as a rejections and work against Acceptance Rate.

To get visibility into your auto-assigned jobs, log into the Swoop Insights Dashboard, where you can filter for auto- and manually-assigned jobs at the top of the page: 

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Or you can review them in the raw data table at the bottom of the page:

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If you have questions, please reach out to the Provider Advocate Group for assistance.